
RemnantLink is a hybrid off-grid and on-grid, decentralized self assembling communications network

When a text message is sent in the Remnant-Link App, the RemnantLink device broadcasts the message, and any in-range devices receive the message, and rebroadcast it, flooding the mesh until the message finds the recipient device. Once delivered, delivery confirmation is returned.

Mesh Relay

RemnantLink devices re-broadcast messages intended for other users, allowing very long range transmission.

Mesh Flood Relay

RemnantLink devices re-broadcast messages intended for other users, allowing very long range transmission.

RemnantLink Router

When a RemnantLink Router is deplyed, messages are first relayed across the router which has a higher gain antenna and typically installed at the highest point to give the maximum coverage range. 

RemnantLink Uplink

When a RemnantLink Uplink node is available on the network, messages can be routed between mesh networks worldwide.